R&d quality inspection

Beihai technical center manages both R&D and quality insurance. It provides required expertise and support to all mining and processing units ensuring our production consistent quality.

The R&D Center employs talented top scientists recruited in China or abroad (Korea-Japan). They graduated from the best Universities and Beihai group provides continuous training for enhanced expertise.

Our technical center develops high performance grades in collaboration with our customers to meet evolving market requirements. We want to supply the most effective products at very competitive pricing and always increase customer satisfaction.

Quality control organization runs 4 laboratories 24 h/day with 52 qualified employees. It operates the best available equipment: laser granulometers and screens for particle size distribution, Colorimeters for brightness control, Furnaces for LOI, X-ray diffraction for Asbestos detection, and all sample preparation apparatus (crusher-pulverizers-dryers) .

Quality Assurance new hires undergo a 3 to 6 month initial training before qualifying. They are then continuously trained and yearly tested. Each lab employee can operate all control equipments.   

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